Conference Theme
Call for Sessions is Now Closed
The 2022 CWRA conference will be a place to reflect, share, and celebrate our shared waters. 2022 is an important year: It is the 75th Anniversary of the Canadian Water Resources Association, the 110th Anniversary of the International Joint Commission, and 145 years since the signing of Treaty 7.
The following sessions have been confirmed for the CWRA 2022 National Conference:
1 The Integrated Assessment of Surface Watergroundwater interactions across a myriad of spatial scales
2 Flood Risk – Connecting the dots from hazard to decision-making.
3 Frozen in the (Infiltration) Trenches: Verifying Cold Climate Green infrastructure Performance
4 Uniting the Country – Sharing Flood Mapping and Flood Risk Approaches across Canada
5 Advancing hydrological forecasting systems across Canada
6 Fireside chat with Senior CWRA Members
7 Designing for nature in riparian areas – Striking a balance between infrastructure and the environment
8 CSHS Session: Advances in hydrologic and hydraulic modelling
9 CSHS Session: Advances in monitoring our water resources
10 CSHS Session: Environmental flows in Canada and abroad
11 CSHS Session: Use of R in Canadian hydrology
12 Nature-Based Infrastructure for Steep Slopes in Cold Climates
13 Surface water – groundwater interactions with a changing climate
14 Nature-based Stormwater Solutions for a One-Water Future: The Alberta Experience
15 Decolonizing Water Governance
16 Tracer Methods in Hydrologic Studies
17 Climate Resilience and Adaptation Strategies for Canadian Infrastructure and our Water Resources
18 Creek Hazard, Policy and Mitigation
19 Sustainability, Resiliency, and Decision-Making in Transboundary Waters
20 Indigenous water rights and management
21 Developing ecological prediction systems related to environmental drivers
22 Northern voices, Northern waters: reconciliation through co-governance in the Deh-Cho [tèh tʃʰò] River basin – Speaker Panel
23 Northern voices, Northern waters: reconciliation through co-governance in the Deh-Cho [tèh tʃʰò] River basin – Poster Session
24 Technology for promoting the collection, use and compilation of hydrometric data
25 Developing and Implementing a Regional Water Management Organization: Lessons Learned
26 Canada Water Agency: translating water science to policy
27 Flood response/recovery work in BC
Conference Session Themes
1. Water management and agriculture- Sponsored by the Canadian National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (CANCID)
2. Urban hydrology, hydraulics and water quality
3. Hydrological/water quality modelling and climate change- Sponsored by the Canadian Society for Hydrological Science (CSHS)
4. Environmental flows and river thermal regimes
5. Monitoring techniques and modelling- Sponsored by North American Stream Hydrographers (NASH)
6. Ice and snow in the context of risk management
7. Risk and extremes analysis and modelling- Sponsored by the Canadian Society for Hydrological Science (CSHS)
8. Integrated water resources planning and governance in the context of risk management
9. Management of multiple water usages
10. Management of the St. Lawrence
11. Data sharing and quality control
Getting There and Away
CWRA is not responsible for delegate transportation, however, we do have some suggested sites that may help with your travel plans. This list will be updated as information becomes available. Our hope is that all attendees will carpool (or alternative) when possible to reduce the overall conference carbon footprint.
Shuttles from Toronto Pearson Airport:
Summerbound/Ace Transportation Group